John Martyniak

John Martyniak

John has been involved at all levels of Software and Services development, at Fortune 500 companies to small start ups. Mr. Martyniak finds enjoyment and challenges in all. Mr. Martyniak specializes in creating admin tools and Content Management Systems (CMS) and Affiliate and Performance Marketing.

About John Martyniak

John Manages the Development, Operations and Consulting Services of JEMStar Tech. John has led numerous software development teams and has proven to be an expert in designing and implementing software applications, web services, content managements systems, admin tools, and internet portals. John's career spans more than two decades with key roles at both startups and global Fortune 500 companies, including positions at Disney and Canon USA. At Disney, John was a founding member of, which quickly grew to over 1 million unique users. While at Canon, John was the Project Lead for the Canon USA Internet marketing site, which included 10,000+ pages of dynamic content, and assisted with designing and selection of the new Canon USA Customer Support System. John is skilled at building teams, in architecting and developing technical solutions, and in anticipating future goals and technology trends. John is a master at building Affiliate Marketing and performance marketing solutions, and has implemented several sub affiliate networks, cashback and loyalty sites, and site monetization through integration to affiliate networks. In his spare time, you can find John tuned out from the techno-world, fly-fishing on a Colorado river with his two sons.


  • Founding member of
  • Led a team that built a video sharing service, that was featured as part of the Google Drive Day One Launch.
  • Led a Re-Platform a Loyalty Cashback site which was acquired by Purch, which was later acquired by Future, PLC.
  • Led a Re-Platform of, complete system re-architecture, utilizing an event driven model powered by Kafka, to connect a collection of micro-services.
  • Participated in multiple Mergers & Acquisition (M&A) efforts, on both sides of the table.
  • Architected and executed on Content Management Systems (CMS) and Admin Tools.
  • More than 30 years of experience in startup, small cap, mid cap, and Fortune 500 companies.
  • Passionate about Affiliate Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Affiliate Technology solutions
  • Passionate about Tools, with integration with (Low Code or No Code), and creation of (Admin Tools, and Content Management Systems (CMS))


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